Saturday, September 7, 2013

UFC 76 Light-heavyweight Fight - Chuck Liddell vs. Keith Jardine

I accept to accept that one of my admired fighters is Keith Jardine. I just actually adore his awkward appearance of angry as it is both arresting and dangerous. Sometimes for his opponents, and sometimes even for Jardine himself. Now I do like Liddell, but I accept my reservations. I anticipate that he was at one time, and still has the abeyant to be, one of the greatest fighters in the history of the UFC. However, he needs to get aback to business and overlook about all the accidental distractions. Anyhow afterwards added ado let's get started.
Chuck Liddell:
Liddell came into this activity not alone afterward a adverse knockout accident to Quentin Jackson, but aswell in accident to Jackson, aswell accident his light-heavy weight championship. I accept no agnosticism that Liddell and his humans were searching accomplished Jardine to his declared next activity in December adjoin Wanderlei Silva. This would prove to be a actual big mistake.
Keith Jardine:
Jardine came into this activity afterward a adverse knockout accident to Houston Alexander who is proving to be actually the adversary at 205. However, if you bethink that fight, Jardine aswell came abutting to acceptable that activity with his knockout power. If any one affair is assertive in the activity game, is that you can never calculation out anyone that has the adeptness to beating you out with a individual blow. That's why they consistently alarm it a punchers chance.
Jardine came into this activity the audible underdog and I assume from a lot of people's angle a simple dispatch bedrock or activity action for Liddell. Boy did they end up getting wrong!
What will chase is a abundant able assay of the activity from alpha to finish, absolute with some final thoughts apropos both fighters. Please accumulate in apperception that these are my angle from my own angle of the contest that transpired. They are by no agency advised to afford any affectionate of abrogating or calumniating thoughts, words, etc. on either one of the fighters involved. I accept a abundant accord of account for anyone, and I do beggarly anyone, who accomplish assimilate the mat. So, with added ado let's get started.
Round One:
The aboriginal annular opened up with both men hasty out to accommodated anniversary added in the centermost of the octagon breadth both men exchanged punches none of which landed. Jardine landed the aboriginal draft of the activity with a appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco of Liddell's thigh followed anon by a larboard angle to the head. This accurate address would prove to be Jardine's greatest asset throughout the absolute activity and would be able abundant times during the fight.
Liddell connected to axis Jardine about the octagon advancement the centermost position while befitting Jardine on the alfresco of the octagon. Jardine acreage addition appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco of Liddell's thigh but about pays dearly for it by accepting his calmly down at the time Liddell countered the bang with a brace of punches of his own. Fortunately for Jardine none of the punches landed with any effect.
Liddell connected to advance Jardine several times throughout the annular with a acute advance and a flurry of punches. Some of which landed with no credible aftereffect on Jardine while others absent their ambition entirely. Jardine was on top of his arresting bold for the a lot of allotment and was quick to move whenever Liddell launched his punching advance and that was the primary acumen that so abounding of Liddell's punches absent their advised target, Jardine's head. During a brace of exchanges, Jardine was even able to acreage some actually solid adverse appropriate calmly to the arch of Liddell.
During one such exchange, Jardine threw and landed a actual solid appropriate leg bang bang to the rib cage of Liddell, which it would about-face out would be afresh throughout the absolute activity causing credible accident to Liddell's larboard rib cage area. Liddell countered this aboriginal bang to the physique by ablution addition battery of punches adjoin Jardine banishment him to aback up and resume angry from the alfresco bend of the octagon while Liddell controlled the centermost area. During this exchange, Liddell managed to acreage a adequately solid larboard angle to the arch of Jardine. However, no credible ill furnishings were credible with Jardine.
Jardine responded to this larboard angle with addition appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco thigh of Liddell causing Liddell to retaliate with addition battery of punches that affected Jardine to aback up bright beyond the octagon. Several of Liddell's punches acreage while Jardine acreage a solid appropriate duke to end the exchange. As the barter of assault ended, it became bright that at atomic one of the punches befuddled by Liddell had cut Jardine aloft his appropriate eye that had started bleeding although not abundantly at this time.
Jardine connected to use his actual able activity of punching to Liddell's arch followed by either a appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco of his advance leg thigh or to his larboard rib cage area, both of which landed with ascendancy and would abide to do so for the blow of the fight. Both men connected angry with a abrupt barter of punches none of which landed. Moments afterwards Jardine would already afresh acreage the appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco of Liddell's thigh.
Liddell responded to Jardine's bang with a annealed larboard jab that briefly chock-full Jardine asleep in his tracks. This lasted alone a atom of a additional afore Jardine countered by affective in and landing a beautifully befuddled larboard angle to the jaw of Liddell. Liddell for his allotment showed no credible affects from the punch. Jardine connected his activity of "stick and move" and landed a foreground bang to the belly of Liddell banishment him back. Afterwards during the one minute blow period, the bang was replayed in apathetic motion and you could see breadth Jardine had accidentally jabbed Liddell in the eye with the pinkie feel on his larboard duke as he accomplished the foreground kick. An adverse incident, which luckily didn't could cause any abiding or abiding accident to Liddell.
Jardine briefly antipodal roles with Liddell and started stalking Liddell about the ring throwing a battery of punches that absent and even an ill attempted appropriate leg bang bang to the arch of Liddell that concluded up missing by the accepted mile. Liddell bedeviled an befalling to footfall in and alpha throwing punches which briefly affected Jardine to aback up adjoin the cage afore wisely sidestepping Liddell's advance and affective abroad from the cage and aback appear the centermost of the octagon.
Both men connected their advance by ambit anniversary added and exchanging punches a lot of of which end up missing but a few do acreage for both fighters. With 10 abnormal actual in the aboriginal round, Jardine acreage addition solid appropriate leg bang bang to the physique and the annular ends with both men punching.
Round Two:
This annular started out already afresh with both men affair in the centermost of the octagon breadth they proceeded to barter punches none of which landed. Jardine attempted his aboriginal appropriate leg bang bang of the annular alone to accept it blocked by Liddell.
For the next 30 seconds, Liddell and Jardine stalked anniversary added about the octagon occasionally throwing a few punches. All of a abrupt Jardine threw and landed a appropriate leg bang bang to the rib cage of Liddell. This bang like the added bliss so far didn't assume to accept abundant of an aftereffect on Liddell. However, a few abnormal afterwards Jardine would acreage a actual harder overhand appropriate that landed even on the jaw of Liddell and alone him anon to the ground. Jardine rushed in to yield advantage of the situation, but Liddell managed to achieve his continuing position just as Jardine landed a knee bang to the chest of Liddell.
Both men connected to do activity exchanging punches while Jardine was able to acreage addition appropriate leg bang bang to Liddell's rib cage, which by now was assuming signs of abscess and bloom about the appulse area. Jardine now took ascendancy of the centermost of the octagon and affected Liddell to activity forth the alfresco edge. Jardine connected his actual able punch-kick aggregate which accustomed him to acreage a appropriate accessible followed by a bang to the alfresco of the thigh, as able-bodied as, addition bang bang to the rib cage.
In the amount of the next few second, Jardine would acreage two added appropriate leg bang bliss to the alfresco of Liddell's advance leg thigh. Liddell answered aback with a battery of punches to Jardine's head, some of which landed and acquired the cuts aloft his eyes to accessible up and drain added profusely. Although not abundant to accident a abeyance of the fight. At the end of the battery of punches, Liddell attempted a appropriate leg bang bang to the arch of Jardine that absent its advised ambition and instead addled Jardine's larboard arm.
With 1 minute and 37 abnormal larboard in the round, Jardine slipped on the canvas and went briefly down to the ground. Liddell attempted to capitalize aloft this with a battery of looping punches and a knee bang that seemed to accept actually no aftereffect whatsoever on Jardine. Liddell even attempted a spinning backfist at the end of the barter but had misjudged the ambit and addled the ancillary of Jardine's arch with the aback of his high arm in the triceps area.
Jardine continues to finer acreage his bliss with two added appropriate leg bang bliss to the thigh of Liddell and one added to the body. Jardine is acutely beat and bleeding abundant added abundantly from his facial cuts about amid through this annular and has aswell been accepting a addiction to accumulate his calmly down low rather than accepting them up to assure his head.
Round Three:
Jardine opened up this annular with a appropriate leg bang bang to the alfresco of Liddell's thigh followed anon by a larboard angle to the head. Both of which landed solidly. A few moments later, Jardine landed a additional appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh. Liddell connected to columnist his advance with a alternation of punches to which Jardine responded with yet addition appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh.
Both men connected the activity by ambit anniversary added with Liddell accepting the high duke briefly by landing a solid beeline appropriate hand. Jardine attempted to acreage addition foreground bang to the belly but had misjudged the ambit and alarmingly overextended himself. Fortunately for Jardine, Liddell didn't apprehension or bootless to capitalize aloft this mistake. Abnormal afterwards Jardine landed addition appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh which he anon followed with addition and afresh a beeline larboard duke to the jaw. All of which landed adequately solid.
Jardine proceeded to bead his calmly and draw Liddell in breadth he was the almsman of yet addition Jardine beeline larboard to the jaw followed by yet addition appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh, which was followed simple moments afterwards by a additional appropriate leg bang kick. This time to the rib cage.
Jardine continues the activity by landing addition appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh in which Liddell anon retaliates with a punching advance that for the a lot of allotment Jardine seemed to avoid. Jardine acreage addition appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh and attempts a additional bang that ends up getting blocked. Not to be dismayed, Jardine acreage a larboard angle to the head. Liddell responds to the larboard angle by landing his own beeline left.
Jardine continues to acreage the appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh followed by addition larboard angle to the head. Jardine continues his absorbing combinations by landing a appropriate leg bang bang to the thigh followed moments afterwards by an overhand appropriate afresh addition bang bang to the thigh and yet afresh addition larboard angle to the head. Jardine acreage a additional larboard angle to the arch just abnormal afterwards as he moves in and delivers it with about absolute timing and technique. Liddell responds to this advance with a solid appropriate duke to the body.
Both me accomplishment the activity throwing punches and bliss with Jardine landing three added appropriate leg bang bliss to the alfresco of the thigh. Liddell ends the activity with a ailing befuddled axis aback bang that Jardine calmly avoids.
Now according to the judges, and we all apperceive how that can about-face out, Jardine won a breach accommodation over Liddell with 2 board scoring it 29-28 Jardine, and one adjudicator scoring it 29-28 Liddell. Personally I anticipate it should accept been a accepted accommodation for Jardine who although not accepting the prettiest techniques in the octagon, absolutely did a admirable job that night.
Here are my thoughts on how anniversary fighter could advance aloft their corresponding abilities apropos this accurate fight.
1. Aboriginal and Foremost: Get rid of the championship attitude and lifestyle! Go aback to getting just addition fighter that is athirst with an clamorous admiration to abort your opponents and yield aback the title.
2. You apperceive how to kick, so why weren't you blame adjoin Jardine? There wasn't abundant adventitious of this activity traveling to the arena so why didn't you use the accoutrement you accept at your disposal?
3. Don't attending accomplished anyone! This should be as apparent and as accessible as the adenoids on your face.
His activity for this accurate activity was about flawless. However, actuality are a brace of things that I noticed.
1. Accumulate your calmly up if you are blame to assure your head.
2. Abundant bang kicks, however, advance a little added technically actual bliss in adjustment to access their adeptness even more.
3. Don't bang to the arch unless the adversary is already arresting abashed or afterwards you accept set them up for the arch bang first. Don't decay time, energy, or the technique.
4. Although your punching appearance is a bit unorthodox, it is actual able and would be even added so if you just anchored up your punches a bit more.
5. A brace of times in the activity if you had befuddled a larboard leg bang bang to the arch afterwards throwing the appropriate leg-left angle combo, you could accept hit Liddell absolutely in the head.
Where does Liddell go from here? Well, if he gets his arch calm and gets rid of the bedrock brilliant attitude and lifestyle, he could achieve his appellation although it isn't traveling to be an simple alley as he needs to plan his way aback up into altercation with at atomic three acceptable fights afore he should be accustomed a appellation shot. Who should he go up against? The aboriginal bout should be adjoin Houston Alexander, afresh Forrest Griffin, followed by Dan Henderson or Wanderlei Silva.
Jardine should chase forth the aforementioned aisle as Liddell as far as the fights go and accept at atomic three added acceptable fights afore even because traveling up for a appellation shot. Who should he go up against? I would like to see a rematch with Houston Alexander, a bout with Forrest Griffin, and a bout adjoin Wanderlei Silva afore a appellation attempt is even considered.

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