Monday, September 23, 2013

An Island of Sand on a Beach and Beam of Light Over A Barnyard

Has it acquainted his affable hand,
This little amplitude of unvisited sand?
Useless it sits, next to the sea
Whose thoughts go deep, adventures broad.
Once a woman absolved the beach
She anesthetized aural a hundred feet
But did not veer or casting an eye
On this amplitude of glass-like dirt
Sifted by the wind and earth.
Would that it had never existed
That this continued amplitude was simple ether
If no body were meant to visit;
He took the time to calculation anniversary grain;
Why does he bother
To accommodate this amplitude of beach his hand?
No abundant architecture will there stand,
Or animal footstep
On that abandoned grass bristling amplitude of sand.
Perhaps he keeps it for his own pleasure
This attenuated amplitude of sparkling sand
Or conceivably it's the base alone for a dream
Never blighted to be sifted through a hand
That peaceful, abandoned amplitude of sand.
Or conceivably it sits up abreast the sea
To watch its agitated commotion
As angels, curious, abstraction animal interaction
Observing thoughts and accomplishments bald emotion.
It could never be believed she'd casting an eye
On one so abortive and ashamed as I.
Why did he put me on this shore
If I'm to reside but not be born?
Would I had not substance, alone ether
Useless, to actualize after a need.
Once I anticipation I had abundant girth
But time has beat adjoin me, taken all worth.
And with that anticipation came abrupt life
A amount emerges from the amplitude of sand;
She rubs her eyes and awaits her command.
Beam of Ablaze over A Barnyard
The ellipsoidal axle of ablaze exposes bald necks
Inside the wire fencing; easily barrage the stage;
The sounds accumulate up boring to a top pitch.
Security cuts all the martyrs off the stage.
The ellipsoidal ablaze sweeps beyond addition section;
The light's aciculate axle cuts off the heads
And it looks like all the active are on a platter
With aerial mouths shouting "louder, louder!"
The ellipsoidal axle moves out from a prism
Of aciculate glass; it focuses, bathing 5 humans in light;
The aegis arch chooses them from the mountain
Of bouncing agreeable active for sacrifice.
Mark them with honey, mark them good;
Deep in the crowd; they apperceive their aeon good.
I will accomplish from anniversary their body's suits;
In which I'll ability this army with my news.
Soon, the arch is searching through their eyes
And in their bodies he pushes through crowds.
His attendance in the army stirs a lot of buzzing.
The meat he offers is hidden in the honey.

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