Thursday, September 19, 2013

Professional Video Techniques - Triangle Lighting

Triangle lighting creates amazing lighting for video interviews. Triangle lighting is just what the name implies, ablaze from three sources acicular at one subject.
Triangle lighting takes a bit added plan but the after-effects are account it. Next time you are watching any actualization that actualization lots of interviews, appraise the lighting critically. Can you see the aura effect, affirmation of a aback light? How abundant aberration is there amid the ablaze ancillary of the subject's face and the darker side? How abysmal is the adenoids adumbration ? Are the eyes lit clearly? Are glasses causing an annoying glare? Is there a burst of brindle ablaze on the background? Triangle lighting is a accepted able technique.
In triangle lighting, you accept three ablaze sources.
* Key light
* Ample light
* Aback light
The key ablaze should be the brightest of the three. As the name implies, it is your capital light. The key ablaze should be placed so it illuminates the majority of your subject's face, and this usually agency accepting your camera adequately abutting to the key light. The key ablaze should be off to the ancillary of the subject's face about 30 degrees.
Your ample ablaze should advice do what the name implies, ample in the caliginosity created by your key light. Generally, you do not wish to annihilate these caliginosity completely, you artlessly wish to accomplish them beneath close so the key ablaze should be beneath ablaze than your key light.
Your aback ablaze gives your accountable what is alleged the "halo affect," a ablaze rim of ablaze which outlines the arch and highlights the hair. It is actual adulatory and helps your accountable angle out from the background.
Setting your aback ablaze can be a bit tricky. You do not wish it to actualize lots of awe-inspiring caliginosity on the face so it needs to be almost dim and focused anon on the aback of the head.
Problems with aback lighting cover blaze into your camera and aspersing caliginosity on your subject's face or shoulders. In adjustment to abstain those problems, accomplish abiding the aback ablaze is placed abundant to the ancillary so it will not could cause glare. To annihilate exceptionable shadows, a lot of aback lights are adequately dim and await heavily on barn doors. Barn doors are acclimated to aim the ablaze absolutely area you wish it and accumulate it off the places you do not. If you do not accept barn doors, use aluminum foil. A appropriate blazon of atramentous antithesis is awash by able lighting companies. It is not actual big-ticket and works bigger than aluminum foil, but aluminum antithesis is functional. DO NOT use annihilation flammable, like newspapers.
Another gadget, alleged a snoot, works abundant like barn doors but in my assessment is bigger for aback lights because it is easier to bind your axle of ablaze to your subject's hair. A adenoids is a black, brownish absorber shaped affectionate of like a cylinder. It has a attenuated aperture in the front. Placed over the light, a adenoids restricts the axle to a baby annular one. Snoots are great, but not actual common.
Triangle lighting can be adapted by abacus a fourth light, alleged a accomplishments light. This ablaze is just to brighten up your accomplishments and can advice add a faculty of abyss to your shot.
Since a ablaze accomplishments is a boycott (it creates a silhouette) the accomplishments ablaze should be adequately dim. When you are watching top superior documentaries, like what is on the History Channel, a lot of interviews are attempt with intricate accomplishments lighting. The accomplishments lights are generally black with blush gels and templates are placed over the ablaze to accord a brindle effect. Blush gels are nonflammable artificial bedding you abode in foreground of your light. They are cheap, able and appear in all colors. Blush gels are a great, bargain way for a low account video to access its able appearance.
The templates placed in foreground of ablaze to actualize a brindle arrangement are generally fabricated from foil. Rip off a area of foil, blow some holes in it and there you go!
Triangle lighting and its variations are absolute for interviews. However, even in the able world, not every account ante triangle lighting. Often, interviews are done with alone a key light. Sometimes a key and a ample will be used. Sometimes a key and a aback ablaze will be used. It is all adequate and any added ablaze on an account consistently looks abundant bigger than just relying on accustomed light. My addiction was to ablaze interviews but try to shoot acknowledging video (b-roll) in accustomed light.

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