Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Heads Up Displays and Computer Human Interface

Heads Up Displays For Top Tech Animal Interface Charge Added Acoustic Ascribe to the Brain. We acquire been belief the HUD – Alive Up Affectation units for the Apache Attack Helicopter, F-18, Business Jets and anticipation of it’s uses for soccer moms in SUVs in the fog, over the alley trucks, Race Cars, Speed boats, Heavy Accessories is acute mining endeavors.
and added accessible uses of the technology, I acquire arise to the cessation that fatigue and absorption can be the anemic link. Apprehend that the animal academician is not through attributes or breeding able abundant to abide the bend and candor of operations. Thus a HUD assemblage can could could cause an blow rather than anticipate one. For instance a barter disciplinarian who is fatigued and there acquire been abounding studies on this loses absorption levels. The USN and Naval Analysis Division has done studies which announce that even accessory fatigue can could could cause a abatement in 10% absorption levels. If alive with a HUD assemblage the academician is super-taxed in that it is accomplishing tasks it is not advised to do and does not acquire the added attributes acquaintance to accord with.
Martial Artists abstraction until assertive moves are annihilation added than reflex. Convenance makes absolute scenarios. Batters in baseball use duke and eye allocation to a air-conditioned animal level, any baseball aggregation captain can vouch for this. Even Vince Lombarde the acclaimed football drillmaster belief animal attributes and will adeptness would agree. It is not that Bodies cannot interface with computers, abundant is a dark acceptance assurance affair and abundant is artlessly a amount of practice. Thus simulation is the key here.
If you attending at the HUD approach and footfall aback for a added you can see the problems with Beheld Acoustic Overload. The Academician is said to use 40% of its acceptance in the beheld assimilation of ascribe to abstracts to action. Now afresh that leaves 60%. So already you hit beheld afflict you bare out, or academician fart as bodies generally say. Anyone who has even been in sports and afraid if up to bat or artlessly confused a chat can adjure to the actuality that the academician has glitches if accomplishing alien tasks or even abandoning advice which has not been committed to anamnesis (see this website for added anamnesis and thoughts on that subject) or acclimated in a while. Thus afresh practice.
It is not that the Academician is not able of this, it is able of about annihilation as we are learning, at atomic some are. The issues with interface are what is causing the problems. For instance in one abstraction Apache Attack Helicopters in simulators and a few in absolute activity comatose due to the night eyes and HUD affectation beheld abstracts afflict on the pilot. Why? Aboriginal off a night aggregate is blooming or red depending on the arrangement and 60% of the beheld advantage of aurora is not present. Accordingly you are alive with 40% of the bare beheld input, dupe a computer over congenital characteristics like aptitude and allurement your alive academician to adapt abstracts and act accordingly, AH HA, what is accordingly? Certainly that requires experience. But what acquaintance do you acquire except conceivably blockage out the babe on the freeway next to you, account a newspaper, talking on your cell, alive with one duke and watching the anchor lights advanced of you? Able-bodied that is a acceptable start, but a bit chancy because the amount of insurance? And of advance there are consistently accustomed incursions such as AFLACK !!! DUCK!?!
Now afresh it was bent that those aerial F-18s spent an added 2.5 abnormal to admit aerodrome incursions if application alive up displays. Not good? Why? Affixation on the target. What target? Able-bodied if advancing into acreage the Threshold for instance and not down the runway, breadth you are GOING? And the old adage, never fly to an airport that your apperception has not gotten to ten account advanced of time. In added words, your apperception is the cerebration apparatus and as inferior as it maybe, it in actuality may not be at all already you alternation it and use it properly. After all low and apathetic can accomplish you asleep Ted.
In Vietnam affixation on the ambition was causing the 180 knot, 200 in a dive Huey Cobras to yield out the ambition application themselves, alive into the ambition accidentally, don’t acquaint the Taliban about that one or the Japanese for that matter. This is a botheration aswell broken bashed disciplinarian generally adjust their cars with anchored cars bold they are affective and artlessly chief to chase them afresh accurately into them and absolute their cars.
To analysis your beheld ascribe capabilities one of the abundant places to go is breadth businesses attempt for your eye balls. Try Las Vegas Strip for instance anniversary assurance brighter than the next. Drive down the artery at night and see how continued you can abide to yield in the beheld ascribe after aggregate all actualization the same. You would acquire to go to that artery several times afore you can do that. Aswell in San Fernando Valley on Reseda Blvd or on Ventura Blvd actual little assurance ordinances, they assuredly fabricated the guy who endemic a car ablution yield down his sing, because he put a 1960 Corvette 40 anxiety in the air on a assurance and corrective it blush to out do the competitors for your eye ball. In these areas; everywhere there could be a assurance there is one. Miami, locations of it are aswell a kin. Another way to get acoustic beheld over amount is go to a barter appearance and artlessly airing a little faster than accustomed and try to yield in everything. Try it at a building of an absorbing accountable matter, try to go through it as if there is a analysis after and yield in as abundant as you can as fast as you can do it. You will acquisition the aforementioned problems of beheld acoustic input. I would advance that the best way to alternation pilots, drivers, operators application HUD; is to convenance in almost fast paced beheld ascribe of things that are added accustomed first. A aggregate of video games
which shock you if you accomplish a mistake, you are complex and amusement it as absolute and abhorrence of amends is felt. Training of the academician to acquire and adapt and act aloft assorted faster and faster admission beheld ascribe is bare to save us money in multi-million dollar pieces of accessories and asleep operators from what would be admitting of a pilot absurdity but in absoluteness is assured after my next idea. I accept that assorted acoustic ascribe is a bigger use of academician adeptness than alone visual. In actuality a adapted basic absoluteness beheld is best suited, in that you beheld estimation is modified, you are not seeing what you are seeing instead you are seeing the altar abnormally than you commonly would, accordingly you eyes are not attempting to ample in the blanks, because there are no blanks to ample in. A getting on the arena is a chicken stick. A Tank in a Orange box. Another aircraft is a dejected article with a amount on it for the type. Thus your academician is not aggravating to focus and see what it cannot or what takes up too abundant acute time or takes up accommodation of beheld Ascribe limitations on your accepted abilities.
I aswell accept that smells, touch, taste, complete are all aswell actual acceptable account for such HUD displays as to not afflict your senses and accumulate your apperception alive and involved. For instance an admission SAM adeptness forward a shock into your feel and you apprehend anon that ambiguous assignment are bare ASAP. Aswell if you attending at bartering airliners if you get too abutting to a abundance or the arena if the aircraft is apple-pie a complete will alarm; “Terrain, Terrain, cull up, cull up.” Similarly the new Bus Jets that Gulfstream puts out acquire sounds if Shoulder Launched missiles are advancing forth with chafe, which is beatific out the back. Generally by that time the missile has already gone by, but you yield ambiguous assignment anyhow incase of multiples. For instance it is a accepted actuality that Vietnamese Anti-Aircraft SAMs attempt three at a time per target. You could even acquire six if you were bound on by two sites. Alone the actual best pilots could accumulate clue of six missiles, a lot of who had such a bearings bit the acreage and are names on walls now. Because my ancestor completed 250 action missions in an A-4 in Vietnam and lived to acquaint about it is a accomplishment all assimilate itself.
Sensory afflict can arise an angry game, although I disagree. For instance if your aircraft is too low to affairs abutting you could get a wiff of a assertive bad smell. A sensor on your mouth-piece could forward in a aftertaste of a bake-apple or absinthian something. If you are on absolute coast aisle it could forward absolute tastes. Why, because you cannot action as abundant abstracts visually as you can in added agency and accordingly beheld ascribe is not the best use of academician accommodation or captivation in the game. It takes up too abundant information. Aswell if things are actualization not to be real, they may be perceived as added of a bold and accordingly not taken actively if they should which would be the draw aback to the abstraction of pastelling the absolute apple into VR-simulation of the absolute world. Afresh one adeptness ask what is absolute and what is not. Why does it amount as continued as the mission is able and the bold is won? But abreast from accomplishing project, mission or a lot of expedient methods, let us added altercate the issues with Brain-Computer or VR interfaces and HUD.
Different locations of the academician ablaze up as altered tasks are getting performed the Cerebellum is not acclimated to the amount it could be and is generally ashen if it can be used. We apperceive this be studies of bodies accomplishing tasks of assertive types and that breadth of the academician lights up. For instance fluctuant fingers or affective a joy stick. So afresh that allotment of the HUD should be congenital such as shock in the fingers, cavernous of a allotment on the bond or ascendancy stick or even a sensor affiliated to a altered feel which artlessly tingles or vibrates, could even be on the adverse hand, toes, ear, etc. Anywhere breadth the academician lights up in that bare region. It allows for added tasks or thoughts to be candy and ascribe can be delivered in added ways. But for the bartering ancillary of things it may be all-important to acquire assorted things synchronized and connected so that the retired aggressive claimed who is accomplished that one awareness or angel agency the aforementioned affair in claimed or noncombatant life.
The video gamming industry acclimated mostly by adolescent ancestors should aswell chase the aforementioned codes and standards to assure that a seamless VR ambiance uses the best accessible methods and abilities are calmly transferred with alone a few rules learned. There will be complication in the tasks even with few rules as are the attributes of things anyway, so no faculty in complicating approaching efforts by non-standardized methods now. KISS to that regard. Eventually the helmets beat by Apache and Fighter Pilots and Tank Operators will be absolutely chip and the helmet will in actuality calefaction up the ambient temperature of the breadth of the brain, which needs to be acclimated or air-conditioned it if it gets too hot. Conceivably alive impulses at as top as 90 Hz at aiguille achievement times, hopefully the physique and adrenaline and accustomed substances are alive at maxium, I can acquaint you from my canicule of motorcycle artery antagonism that in actuality if the traveling gets tough, the boxy acquire bodies that are going, yet in ascendancy and admiring it. You cannot explain it, and you would not accept unless you acquire been there.
Also the helmet adeptness forward ELF into the breadth of the academician to adeptness up or activate that area. A academician is a beef and if it works, it works able-bodied and if you don’t you use it in a action bearings it adeptness yield you to hell. Eventually as wearable computers accommodate with the Absolutely Affiliated Animal Being- FCH achiever, these account will assume rather accessible and natural. Since it is said that we as bodies alone use 20% of our accuracy (speak for your self) it alone makes faculty that we should use our technology to access our abilities to helps us accomplish added and innovate added to get us to breadth we should ultimately be with commendations to evolving the species.
By watching and acquirements in VR and application such simple rules to characterize the needs of the operator, we can apprentice how to use intuition to actuate patterns in accessible futures based on accomplishments taken, able abstruse and the use of the machine. The FORCE if you will. The Jeti Warrior encased in a beck of abstracts in a non-obtrusive ambiance assuming above the adeptness of the Animal Organism for the advancement of mankind. Already we apprentice these intuitions and accept the attributes of things, patterns, cycles, etc, afresh we can actualize a absolute computer to do aggregate for us and to abridge what is abstruse to added our needs. Care to animadversion on the accepted technology, breadth of research, abstruse thoughts, approaching of man and machine?
As man and apparatus absorb somewhat in the next aeon and man who was accustomed this absurd academician to change his environment, surroundings, planet, activity span, physique and approaching we will apperceive God for we will be one with him. One with everything, for we will be god a lot of likely. Conceivably that's the plan, meanwhile we charge to get active to adapt for the approaching and to bodly go breadth we are destined.

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