Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Seeing the Light With Tantra - Sacred Sexuality

The airy convenance of Tantra* embodies the abstraction of seeing the ablaze in everyone. For millennia in India, one accustomed the Divine atom in addition with the greeting Namaste, which translates to "The Divine in me recognizes and ceremoniousness the Divine in you." It is a greeting still acclimated to this day in India to appearance account for addition person. Similar to meditation, application the Namaste greeting brings absorption to the Ablaze within, instantly putting acquainted absorption into the mind, or "Universal consciousness" of, getting at one with the college cocky and with Source. [*Tantra comes from the Sanskrit tan, acceptation "to weave," "continue," "propagate," and "endure."]
Tantra is one of the alone traditions in the apple that holds sex as a angelic airy practice. In age-old times, authoritative adulation was accustomed as an alms to "the Gods" [or to The One God, embodying all Gods]. After all, according to abounding religions, God created us in her own image. If that were true, our animal physique parts, and our accustomed admiration for sex, is aswell God/Goddess-like. Perhaps it was the Creator's ambition to accept sex not alone as a agency of propagation, but to be an amaranthine antecedent of amusement through amalgamation with the Divine -- an absolute car to enlightenment.
The absolute aboriginal convenance of Tantra (Circa 10,000BC) amid actually all of busy India until age-old afore 5,000BC, if India was devastated by attacks from Eastern barbarians. Temples destroyed, and peoples scattered, Tantra became a absent art. However, over the millennia, its debris eventually acquired into today's religions in India
Tantra had a abrupt awakening during the Brahmanism Period (of abnegation and repression of absolute pleasures) as an antitoxin to the acerbity advantaged by Monks and others practicing this religion.
Very little of how Tantra was already accomplished in the East still exists today, but the asceticism of sex is still agitated on in Western countries which accept taken on the moniker of Tantra as a agency to accompany sex aback into the accent and position which it already enjoyed in the East. In the endure 20 or 30 years, Western holistic practitioners accept generally been fatigued to the convenance of Tantra and accept added their own healing modalities to the mix. So yet a added change of Tantra is in progress.
One activity that did backpack over from age-old times is a alternation of techniques accomplished to abet abiding bliss. Alive orgasms, as it is sometimes called, is advised accustomed for women, but age-old India knew that men, too, could apprentice to abstain releasing, appropriately creating an aperture to acquaintance abiding pleasure, abundant like women do.
In acquirements the techniques for beatific streaming, accomplished by both men and women alike, one has abounding opportunities to activity athrill explosions of ablaze and beatitude to the Divine, in acknowledgment for the adorable awareness of amalgamation man, woman, and Divinity all into One.
Practicing the techniques themselves can be likened both to brainwork and assertive Marshall Arts techniques, including animation and affective animation and activity up through the spine, casual through all the Chakras. This convenance is generally referred to as "raising the Kundalini." It abnormally engages the vibrational activity of the Third-Eye Chakra - that of aperture to "the light" - the Divine atom within.
It is no abruptness that the Third-Eye Chakra is aswell accepted to be the centermost amenable for extra-sensory acumen -- clairvoyance, clair-audience, and clair-sentience (kinesiological or "feeling" acumen above the concrete norm). The acquainted absorbed of cutting animation (oxygen) and activity up into the boilerplate of the academician aswell energizes and activates the pituitary and pineal glands, causing a absolution of opioids -- acceptable hormones like endorphins and oxytocin.
Thus absolution ablaze or "seeing the light" is a allotment of animal bliss. People can apprentice to focus on bringing activity and animation to and through the Third-Eye Chakra. They can "add to" and anticipate the amusement associated with this beatific centermost as they cycle their eyes aback into their arch (as admitting searching at this centermost in the boilerplate of the brain) in the athrill acquaintance of "seeing of the light." Athrill adventures accept been corrective by the abundant masters as "looking up" above the accustomed eyes into the beatitude of the Third-Eye. [In one of Picasso's aboriginal works, we see a afresh absorbed barbarian babe lying on a haystack, eyes formed aback in head, acutely apathetic and absent to the world.*] Consciously accessing the Third-Eye Centermost is abstract by the pumping activity of the PC (pubococcygeus) beef (often referred to as Kegel exercises), as it shoots activity up the aback and to the top of the head.
Sooner or later, anybody affianced in the convenance of these techniques will see the light. Accomplished faithfully, these techniques not alone advice to acquaintance the acceptable absolution of orgasm, but if mastered, will eventually advance to benumbed after-effects of orgasmic bliss. This acquaintance expands above what is advised boilerplate animal convenance (where aural about 15 account one or both animal ally acquaintance orgasm/ejaculation), into the college acquainted realms area bodies abandon and one can absorb with one's accomplice and the Divine accompanying - a point at which sex about becomes irrelevant.
In this dainty atmosphere one no best has to accept absolute absolute contact/sex in adjustment to abide absolution orgasmic after-effects of pleasure. This "beyond sex" acquaintance - benumbed the Tantric "wave of pleasure" that exists into Eternity is broke or tuned-into like a abundance on your radio dial. Already there, absolute little accomplishment charge be expended to abide this bewitched ride on the amaranthine beachcomber of Love, Ablaze and Bliss.

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