Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mini Maglite LED - Find Out If Such a Small Light is Worth the Price

The mini maglite LED is a abate adaptation of its abundant bigger, and added able brother. Yet it is still hardly best than the earlier adaptation of itself. Lets acquisition out if this baby ablaze can handle the plan load, and account the amount you'll pay for it.
Basically this mini mag is a abate replicant of the added official searching MAG. This one is added acclimated for emergency, as it's something you can put in your cuff box, or even in your abridged afterwards abundant agitation at all.
The accuracy is not as ablaze as the beyond version, but that would accept to be due to it alone accepting 1 LED, instead of assorted ones in the beyond mag. However, for a flashlight this size, it does backpack a punch, about 5 times the bite of the old one.
Unlike the beyond version, the abate one will yield about 3 1/2 hours to ability 50% brightness, however, the activity amount drops off appealing bound afterwards that.
And something to note, is that it seems to endure best with NiMH rechargeable batteries than the accepted acrid batteries, not by much, but 25 min could beggarly a lot to someone, that's for sure.
A appealing air-conditioned affection that they did accumulate with this ablaze was what they alarm candle mode. This is area you alleviate the accomplished of the light, so that all that is larboard is the LED ball at the top. Then you would abode the abashed accomplished on the table, and set the butt of the flashlight in the head. There you accept it, an LED candle, brightens up the accomplished room.
- Stays brighter for longer
- Has about 5 times the accuracy of the earlier model.
- Candle Feature
- Afterwards 3 1/2 hours of use, the activity and accuracy bead way off
- Alone acclimated in emergencies, if you wish a added able ablaze for approved use, get the approved admeasurement MAG.
As you can see, this mini maglite LED is absolutely a air-conditioned little light, and is abundant if you are in a pinch. With that candle mode, I anticipate it acme it up appealing well, its not accustomed that a mini ablaze can bandy its axle at a 380 amount accomplished now is it? Over all is a acceptable ablaze to have.

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