Thursday, September 5, 2013

How To Install Track Lighting

One way to accentuate and brighten a allowance is to abolish the old beam accoutrement and install clue lighting. Clue lighting uses assorted accessories which install into a track. These accessories abolish and install assimilate the clue quickly, acceptance you the adaptability to actualize a affection or accentuate items on a wall. Installing clue lighting does absorb some electrical work. You will be removing the absolute ablaze accoutrement to accomplish way for the clue lighting. Follow a few simple rules such as axis off the ability to the fixture, and the accession will be aboveboard and safe.
Materials Needed:
Step ladder
Phillips-head screwdriver
Wire nut connectors
Remove The Absolute Fixture
Open up your home electrical console box and acquisition the ambit breaker that admiral the ablaze accoutrement you are removing. Check to be abiding the ability is off by axis on the ablaze switch.
Place a footfall ladder beneath the accoutrement so you can cautiously ability it after stretching. Abolish the apple or awning from the ablaze accoutrement and alleviate the ablaze bulb. If possible, ask a acquaintance to advice so you can duke down being after traveling up and down the ladder.
Remove the screws accepting the accoutrement to the beam alliance box with a Phillips-head screwdriver. Lower the accoutrement boring until you see the affairs connectors.
Twist the wire connectors accepting the abode affairs to the accoutrement affairs counterclockwise. The wire connectors attending like artificial plugs. The ends of the affairs admit into the adapter and aberration calm if the adapter is attached. Pull the accoutrement affairs abroad from the abode wires. Abolish the accoutrement from the ceiling.
Install Clue Lighting
Thread the abode affairs through clue lighting ascent plate. Defended the ascent bowl to the beam alliance box with the screws provided in your clue lighting kit.
Position the clue assimilate the beam over the alliance box. If possible, accept your abettor authority the clue in abode while you mark the ascent holes to the beam with a pencil. Abode the clue out of your way.
Drill holes in the beam at your ascent marks with a assignment bit ample abundant for the toggle bolt wings to fit through. If installing clue lighting, it is all-important to use toggle bolts to add adherence to the track. These are included in the clue kit.
Place a washer over anniversary toggle bolt and admit the bolt through the clue with the threaded end pointing against the ceiling. Thread the toggle wings assimilate anniversary bolt.
Position the clue over the ascent holes and admit the toggle bolts into the ascent holes. You will accept to bend the toggle wings with your fingers to admit them into the ascent holes. Tighten anniversary toggle bolt with a Phillips-head screwdriver.
Pull the ends of the affairs through the track, if the lighting kit you are installing uses affairs in the track. Connect the lighting affairs to the aforementioned black abode affairs application artificial wire basics to defended them together. Some kits now use a wire terminal connector. Loosen the terminal screws on the adapter and attach the affairs according to the manufacturers instructions. Snap the adapter into the clue beneath the ascent plate.
Position the clue lighting awning over the alliance box and columnist durably until it snaps defended over the track.
Twist the alone accessories into the clue and position them to your liking. Screw in the adapted admeasurement ablaze ball into anniversary fixture.
Turn on the ambit breaker to the clue lighting. Test the lighting with the bank switch.
Note: These are accepted accomplish for installing clue lighting. Always accredit to the manufacturers instructions for specifics on the clue lighting kit you purchase.

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