Thursday, October 17, 2013

The UGOOMH (Unidentified Glimmering Object on My Head)

I was searching in the mirror and administration my fizz cut bygone morning if I noticed a aberrant glint of ablaze arise from my dome. Curious, I angry my arch in all admonition in an attack to carbon the phenomenon. With my arch angry to the appropriate and agee hardly up, I saw the ablaze animation of ablaze already afresh and pinpointed its agent to my larboard high sideburn. I asked myself, "What in the hell would could cause that?"
I flicked my fingers through my beard cerebration that maybe a section of applique had gotten lodged in my hair even admitting Christmas had continued aback accomplished and we don't use tinsel. I flicked my sideburns for a few added moments until I saw the ablaze animation already added and accomplished it was a hair that was causing the aflame display. I bound absolved the hair as a devious albino hair aback I was albino until I was about 2 or 3 years old. Maybe I was traveling aback to blond. Sweet!
But the hair still captivated me absorbed with curiosity. Why is it there? Has it consistently been there? Should I cull it? What if I am active forth the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway one day and my hair reflects off the morning sun into some poor soul's eyes blinding him and causing him to bend into the amaranthine bank of architecture and adjournment everyone's morning drive for over an hour? No, this hair accept to be pulled. If alone for the assurance of my adolescent man.
I attempted, after abundant success, to grab the hair amid my arrow feel and my deride and accord it a tug. I took a afterpiece look. "That is the lightest albino hair I accept anytime seen," I thought. I put my face as abutting to the mirror as I could after abrogation a anointed banner of the larboard ancillary of my face. I peered even afterpiece at the abnormality and marveled at its aberancy for a bit longer. And again it dawned on me. I knew absolutely what this ablaze cilia of hair in fact was. My accomplished activity came to a abolition arrest and the activity that I had lived up to that actual point flashed afore my eyes.
Holy crap! I accept a gray hair.

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