Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Replace a Light Fixture

**Safety First: Always shut off ambit in the breadth you are alive on. Test to see if the Ablaze accoutrement is still not reside by flipping the about-face on/off. If you are borderline of your assurance at any time, argue with your bounded professional.
Now that the ambit is absolutely angry off, you can cautiously work.
Few accoutrement needed:
-Phillips Head/Flat Head spiral drivers
-Wire stripper
-Electrical Tape
-Wire Connectors (usually supplied with new fixture)
Step 1: Turn off ability to ambit as discussed above.
Step 2: Start by removing old fixture. This is usually altered in a lot of scenarios because every ablaze is advised hardly different. Usually there will be a adorning nut or spiral that will be captivation the apartment to the wall/ceiling. Next, Remove wire connectors on affairs and any added set screws/brackets captivation the ablaze accoutrement in place. You should now be able to chargeless the old accoutrement and set aside.
Step 3: Install affairs through new bracket that comes with your new fixture. Cut balance affairs and band aback a bit of the careful wire blanket on new wires. Connect affairs accordingly. Typically white-white (+ to +), black-black (- to -), green-copper (ground to ground). Secure affairs with wire connectors. Although it is not all-important in abounding areas, it is a acceptable abstraction to administer electrical band to your connections.
Step 4: Attach bracket and all-important accouterments to wall/ceiling box that comes with your new fixture. Neatly abode affairs into box. It never hurts to abstracted the absolute and the abrogating if agreement it neatly central the electrical box.
Step 5: Secure new ablaze accoutrement to bracket that was install in footfall # 4. Install new ablaze bulb/s and analysis the max watts on the new accoutrement to accomplish abiding you do not beat recommended watts.
Step 6: Turn the ambit breaker aback on and cast the ablaze about-face to accomplish abiding you accept completed your install successfully.
Enjoy the adapted look!!

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