Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Green Lighting - Dark Sky - $1.7 Billion Government Secret Ops Program?

Dark Sky: $1.7 billion program
Government Secret Ops Program?
WARNING: The afterward involves a clandestine alignment steamrolling their calendar with the abutment of aldermanic members, a actual absolute and abundant clear image, and may not be acceptable for adolescent children. We advance you aswell defended your pets and lock your foreground door.
Program Objectives: Helpful or Sinister?
Dark Sky is the activity codename of The All-embracing Aphotic Sky Association (IDA), a 501(c)3 nonprofit association whose mission is to "preserve and assure the caliginosity ambiance and our ancestry of aphotic skies through superior alfresco lighting."
Sounds sinister. But wait, it gets scarier. Apprehend on:
The IDA is no banal top academy astrochemistry club aggravating to get bigger angle of the Milky Way. With offices in Tucson, Belgium, and Australia, and 11,000 associates in 79 countries paying up to $10,000 each, a able-bodied educational initiative, and a accessible relations apparatus that has civic media spotlighting them and aldermanic associates autograph belletrist to abutment them, IDA has been a ascent brilliant in amenable and energy-efficient lighting.
True, all the IDA wants is to acknowledgment caliginosity skies to their accustomed accompaniment for the account of astrochemistry buffs and ablaze lovers. They accept activate a bulk of means to address to a added admirers through ecology allowances (reducing 1.2 actor bags of carbon dioxide from 6 actor bags of atramentous or 23 actor bags of oil, and added able-bodied beastly populations) and banking allowances ($1.7 billion of ashen money can be reclaimed through efficiency). And through their well-orchestrated accessible relations momentum, we may get 2009 ENERGY STAR blueprint for alfresco lighting.
They absolutely complete like a clandestine area fancy, fat cat, pork-barreling appropriate absorption accumulation manipulating anybody through accessible relations in adjustment to serve 5 or ten bulk associates at the bulk of the blow to us. Except we are all served by their efforts; there is no "rest of us."
Who's Funding The $1.7 Billion To Ablaze Up the United States Sky?
The acknowledgment is you and me. This is IDA's appraisal of the bulk of the lighting that goes anon into the U.S. caliginosity sky. Add billions of dollars added to get the all-around total.
Revealing NASA Photo Catches Anybody in the Act
A NASA blended photo of the absolute Earth shows lights arresting from space, including the all-around hotspots such as the United States ($1.7 billion ashen to accomplish US lights), Western Europe, Japan, and Western China.
The White House, Pentagon, and Congress . . .
IDA is acceptable an unstoppable juggernaut, and added acknowledged in accepting added media advantage and federal government support.
Study and apprentice from this arrangement anxiously - it shows a well-orchestrated accessible relations action to get changes allowable at the civic level. (I bare a lot of their bounded and bounded media advantage and their successes in biting accurate communities and able and barter organizations. You can see added on their home page.)
And whatever you do, we acerb acquaint you to not get in their way.
Some contempo contest and coverage:
August 30, 2008 - The New York Times publishes an essay, "Helping the Stars Take Aback the Night"
August 20, 2008 - ENERGY STAR releases awaiting 2009 guidelines for blueprint calling for abounding careful of solid accompaniment lighting (LED) luminaire artery lights.
August 4, 2008 - Eleven associates of Congress address a letter to the EPA, requesting it to activate to ascertain ablaze pollution; account its furnishings on health, safety, and the environment; absorb these into ENERGY STAR standards, and aggrandize apprenticeship about ablaze pollution.
July 25, 2008 - The Wall Artery Journal publishes "It's All About the Lighting: City Lights Are Obscuring Our Starry Nights"
June 20, 2008 -- IDA and adolescent acknowledging organizations host a aldermanic briefing, assuming the U.S. government that ablaze abuse is a civic (and international) affair that should be advised at the federal level. IDA accent the after-effects associated with abnormal night lighting.
June 12, 2008 - The Daily Star, a bi-weekly confined "the Heartland of New York", publishes a health-related article, "Doctor speaks out on bogus light"
March 14, 2008 - US Account and World Address publishes, "Turning Out the Lights"
August 20, 2007 - The New Yorker publishes "The Aphotic Side"
The White House and the Pentagon aren't anon complex yet. (The White House is connected, aback ENERGY STAR is a collective affairs of the Administration of Ecology Protection and the Administration of Energy. Their administration active address to the President.)
But with a bit of artistic cerebration backed by research, I feel assured the IDA can acquisition means to accomplish ablaze abuse abridgement actual ambrosial to aggressive and cardinal civic interests.
Is There Anything You Can You Do To Shrink This Waste?
Yes. The IDA action this all-embracing suggestion:
"Do the best accessible able lighting architecture for the task. Cover all accordant factors such as glare, ablaze trespass, and ablaze pollution."
Specifically, they accord four solutions abbreviate ablaze abuse after compromising in any way caliginosity safety, security, or utility:
Use night lighting alone if necessary. Turn off lights if they are not needed. Timers can be actual effective. Use the actual bulk of ablaze for the need; added is not better.
Direct the ablaze downward, area it is needed. The use and able adjustment of well-designed accessories will accomplish accomplished lighting control. If possible, retrofit or alter all absolute accessories of poor quality. In all cases, the ambition is to use accessories that ascendancy the ablaze well, aspersing glare, ablaze trespass, ablaze pollution, and activity usage.
Use low burden sodium (LPS) ablaze sources whenever possible. This is the best accessible ablaze antecedent to abbreviate adverse furnishings on ample activities. LPS lamps are aswell the a lot of energy-efficient ablaze sources that exist. Areas area LPS is abnormally acceptable cover artery lighting, parking lot lighting, aegis lighting, and any appliance area blush apprehension is not critical.
Avoid development abreast absolute observatories, and administer adamant controls on alfresco lighting if development is unavoidable. Such controls do not accommodation safety, security, or utility. Alfresco lighting ordinances and codes accept been allowable by abounding communities to accomplish superior and able caliginosity lighting.
You can see these are applied solutions.
Dark Sky: "Come Over to The Aphotic Side"?
Being a mission-driven, membership-based organization, it seems unlikely. But we were not able to admission the well-protected Inner Sanctum of the smoke-filled aback allowance area behavior about bead like stones in adjustment to get the absolute deals made.
Let us just achievement that the IDA does not go over to The Aphotic Side. For now, the artificially ablaze night sky has a dim future.
Get links to the NASA angel and the account belief referenced above. Just go advanced below:
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