Thursday, October 17, 2013

4 Smart Tips on How to Travel Light

Last anniversary I began my antecedent packing for my cruise to London and Spain. The catchy business about this haversack job is that afterwards my London business cruise a la amphitheater clothes and business attire, I will be hoisting my haversack and biking beyond Northern Spain on El Camino de Santiago. What to do with the top heeled-shoes and strapless accouterments to the academic atramentous wear?
I arrested prices with UPS, DHL, FedEx and a bazaar baggage administration aggregation for shipment the biz clothes home. FedEx offers the everyman estimated price, but the absolute amount will be bent by the weight of my abiding bag. Therefore, I charge to haversack ablaze as possible. Here are a few tips I've abstruse over the years about how to haversack ablaze to biking well:
1.) Make a agenda of the canicule you'll be gone. Write down the accouterments you plan to abrasion for the morning- for me that's work, and added academic - and afresh the evening, added casual. Include every account that you'll need. What blush shoes? Do you charge a belt? Which one? What from the aboriginal accouterments can you abrasion two canicule later? Perhaps the top you abrasion beneath your clothing can bifold for a work-out T after on. I plan to aboriginal use a section for business if it is brittle and clean, and afresh use it a additional or third time in a added accidental venue. Once you accept aggregate accounting down, you can alpha to edit. Do you absolutely charge black, amber and fleet shoes? Re-plan your apparel so you alone charge one brace of dress shoes, and one brace of comfortable, accidental shoes. What from Day 4 can you abrasion afresh on Day 6? Mix and match. Get rid of annihilation that you can't use at atomic twice. Once you've reworked your list, haversack alone the clothes on the list. Not one account more!
2.) Try on aggregate afore you haversack it. You may charge to run it to the dry cleaner. By aggravating on that backless atramentous dress, you'll bethink the appropriate foundation that you bought to go forth with it. How does it fit back the endure time wore it? Yield your shoes out for a 'dry run'. Will you absolutely be able to calmly airing about Europe - or wherever - in the shoes you are planning to bring?
3.) Haversack aggregate in the accoutrements you plan to yield several canicule afore you leave. Feel how abundant your accoutrements are. Do you REALLY wish to be schlepping this abundant weight about the airport, the alternation base or the bizarre bed and breakfast that you best out on the internet - that has no elevator? Re-open you bag and yield out 20% - or added - of what you already packed. How do you get rid of 20% of your arranged panties? Get rid of 50% by application panty liners. Day 1 use beginning underwear with pantyliner. Day 2 - bandy abroad panty liner. Get rid of the added hair products. Put cosmetics in baby containers, don't bother with your pretty, but heavy, artist corrective bags. Ziploc accoutrements are ablaze and functional. Repack. NOW will you be able to lift your attache bag over your arch to put in the aerial alcove after bottomward it on the arch of the being below? If not, alpha afresh from the top.
4.) Tear out the pages that you charge from bout books and leave the blow at home. Books are heavy. Duct band is abundant lighter to 're-bind' the book into a abate version. Clear packing band works well, too.
Use these four acute tips to haversack light, and you WILL biking able-bodied to any destination.

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