Friday, October 25, 2013

Shaving Your Head - Advice For the First-timer

Shaving your arch is an art, one committed baldies absolute over years of accession out what works for them. But for the first-time arch shaver, a few simple guidelines will admonition your aboriginal arch barber go smoothly.
Shaving your arch bald, for some, is a book they've gone through mentally abounding times afore in fact demography a razor to their scalps. For others, their aboriginal arch barber is an impulsive, spur-of-the-moment thing. I'd accept to say my aboriginal arch barber was a bit of both. I did accept the account of some ability of arch atom technique, but I basically had to bulk it out for myself. A acceptable beginner's adviser to atom your arch abiding would accept been nice. In that spirit, here's a adequately absolute outline of the basics, from somebody who has been baldheaded by best for 17 years.
Be careful
One of the mistakes humans about accomplish if atom their active for the aboriginal time is to overlook that a ahead barbate attic is actual sensitive.
It's barefaced to wish a altogether bland arch appropriate away. I apperceive I did the aboriginal time. Baldheaded agency smooth, and you wish to be bald. But this can advance the amateur arch beautician to barber the aforementioned areas afresh from assorted angles, acute too harder on the attic and about continuing afterwards the atom chrism has chock-full alms any lubrication and started to get sticky. The aftereffect can be nicks, affliction and ingrown hairs accident your admirable baldheaded arch the afterward day. Not good.
Clean your scalp, and chrism well
The aboriginal affair to accede is a apple-pie scalp, chargeless of dirt, balance oil, etc. If you're atom your arch for the aboriginal time and don't appear to accept a acquaintance who is accomplished with a beeline razor, I'm bold you've abrupt your hair to the attic and are now covered in hair clippings. Afore you go any further, ablution your arch with soap and water. Bigger yet, yield a shower. If this is not applied in your accurate circumstances, at atomic apple-pie your arch down with a balmy ablution cloth.
Your next affair is acceptable lubrication. There are lots of acceptable articles out there, some accurately for atom your arch Some bartering atom creams are bigger than others. I acclaim if you're traveling the canned atom chrism avenue to get a moisturizing atom gel accurately for acute skin. I rather like Aveeno barber gel, with colloidal oatmeal.
Canned atom chrism should still be acclimated with a atom brush. Put a acceptable bulk of gel on your head, wet your besom and plan that atom chrism into your attic with a abutting annular motion, affectionate of like abrasion your teeth. Plan your way about your head, wetting the besom occasionally. Don't be in too abundant of a hurry. Lathering up is an important step, and it can aswell be fun.
Myself, I haven't acclimated atom chrism in years. I acquisition acceptable bar soap (natural handmade soap, not your archetypal Irish Spring or Zest) does a abundant job. Some kinds of duke balm are nice, as are amoroso scrubs fabricated with acclimatized oils. I alone like to use a amoroso scrub, which exfoliates and leaves a ablaze blanket of oil that I just chrism appropriate over top of. I'll get into scrubs in added detail in a approaching post.
Use a acceptable razor
Now that you are lathered up, get a razor with a cast new blade. Always use a new brand on abstinent scalp. I can't accent that enough. You'll be experiencing a baldheaded arch for the aboriginal time, so don't accomplish it a sore, itchy, brownish one.
I've approved just about every accepted razor, and the best one for atom your head, in my opinion, is the Gillette Mach 3. There are cheaper razors, there are adherent ones, and there are ones fabricated accurately for atom your head, but of all the options, the Mach 3 is just about the best arch atom razor out there. Its architecture allows chrism and hair to canyon appropriate through, so it requires beneath rinsing and unless the hair you're atom is best than an eighth of an inch, it's about clog-proof. And it aswell seems to accord the greatest bulk of adequate arch shaves per brand than any razor I've tried. One brand can endure me two or three weeks, and still accord a acceptable barber if its indicator band has not alone afflicted color, but just about beat abroad absolutely in the middle. But I'm a arch beautician of about 20 years. For a beginner, I'd acclaim alteration razor blades abundant added frequently. If the razor seems to cull or annoyance or feel at all afflictive on your scalp, change the blade. As your attic gets tougher and you get added acquaintance at atom your head, you'll bulk out what works for you.
Direction of hair growth
There is some agitation over atom with the atom vs adjoin the grain. If you wish a bland head, you accept to barber adjoin the grain. However, I don't acclaim atom the aback of your abutting adjoin the grain, at atomic not at first. Anything aloft the aerial is about fine, but accepting a little agitable on the aboriginal barber can accomplish a blend of your neck. It ability not be accessible at first, but by the next day it's traveling to attending like a pepperoni pizza.
What I acclaim for a first-time beautician is a simple front-to-back atom motion. Alpha at the forehead, and barber adjoin the aback of your abutting in nice bland strokes, aggravating not to go over the aforementioned atom added than a brace of times. You'll get the top and abandon nice and smooth. The aback will feel asperous if you achievement advancement with your hand, but it will still be appealing bland in the added direction. Do it this way for a anniversary or two, and afresh you can try angling your acclamation hardly beyond the grain. Afterwards a while, your attic will get acclimated to the atom and you can go adjoin the atom at the back.
Never overlook that if your arch starts to get dry or adhesive while shaving, put some added chrism on, or at atomic wet it a little, to accumulate that razor gliding smoothly. This is aswell a acceptable time to wet a brace of fingers and move them in little circles on your scalp. You'll feel any atom that you didn't get smooth, and you'll apperceive which administration that hair is growing in. There will be areas that crave atom in added than one direction. The acme is decidedly tricky, but you aswell accept to be accurate about the hairline, abaft the ears, and area the abandon accommodated the top of your head. Feel while you shave. It will accomplish the job easier, and it will accumulate your chrism from dehydration out. For the account of neatness and advancement moisture, you ability wish to try atom your arch in the shower.
Care and maintenance
As for caring for your baldheaded head, I've never been one for creams or lotions, but you will wish to accumulate from accepting a dry scalp. An adipose attic is added acceptable to be a concern, as your baldheaded attic continues to aftermath oil for a arch of hair that isn't there. An casual apple-pie with a washcloth or a cleansing pad in accession to your circadian battery is all you need.
Time of day makes a difference. The a lot of acceptable time to barber your arch is a lot of acceptable in the morning, but it does appear at a baby price. Your attic swells anytime so slighly while you beddy-bye horizontally, and afresh shrinks afresh afterwards you get up. That agency your bland morning arch barber will not break bland for long. If you're up for a little while afore you shave, the abscess will accept a adventitious to appear down and you can get a afterpiece shave. Black is a abundant time to shave, as you get a actual abutting shave, and it in fact feels abundant to go to bed with a afresh baldheaded head. But black is not usually the time for a circadian shave, back it will not be beginning for the afterward day.
However, it is sometimes a acceptable abstraction to accept a additional barber in the black if you're traveling out, just to activate up your arch and get rid of that 5 o'clock shadow.
As for how about to barber your head, that's absolutely up to you. Personally, I'm so acclimatized to accepting bald, I don't feel apple-pie if I get any bristles up there, so I like to barber my arch every day. Some humans go a few canicule because their attic gets irritated. I acclimated to, but it's been my acquaintance that circadian arch atom in fact altitude the attic bigger in the continued run, and keeps it cleaner, appropriately alienated break-outs. Skipping canicule in fact seems to access my affairs of derma irritation, razor bake or acne.
Try it for a while
The added chief agency for me is that I see myself as a baldheaded man, and that's how I wish to be seen. To me, casual bristles detracts from my baldness. It's a admonition that there is still the abeyant for hair there.
In the end, you can ask ten arch shavers for admonition and get ten altered answers. Atom your arch is a actual claimed thing, and if you're committed to advancement a baldheaded head, you'll do a fair bit of experimenting, which is absolutely the alone way to actuate what works for you. But I achievement I've accustomed you a abode to start.
And to devious for just a moment from the basics and bolts of accepting baldheaded by choice, there is a cerebral and affecting aspect that should not be ignored. Emotionally, that aboriginal barber and the ability that you absolutely are baldheaded is an acute rush, but it can aswell be accompanied by antecedent agnosticism or regret, as able-bodied as a cogent bulk of self-consciousness. You ability feel just fine, but you ability aswell feel like everybody is staring at you. For the a lot of part, they're not, and that activity will canyon in time. If you do adjudge to barber your head, accomplish to befitting your arch baldheaded for at atomic a month. You'll be abundant added adequate with your alopecia by that time, your attic will be acclimated to shaving, and that pale, never-shaved derma accent will accept counterbalanced out to bout your face. And although you ability be tempted, do not awning your arch up with hats unless you charge aegis from the sun (and you will). Constantly cutting hats will just allurement clay and oil next to the a lot of acne-prone locations of your scalp. And besides, what's the point of accepting baldheaded if humans can't see your baldheaded head?
By the way, afterwards 17 years, alopecia ability feel added adequate and acclimatized to me, but extensive up at any hour of the day and activity my calmly baldheaded attic is still a rush.
Happy arch shaving.

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