Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Head And The Tail's Tale

The Head
It Comes In Different Shapes And Sizes-
Big Or Small,
Round, Oblong or Square
The Head Is The Brain box Of The Body
Without The Head
The Body Will Not Function
Indeed, The Saying Is True
''Kill The Head And The Body Will Die''
The Reason All Pugilists Go For Their Opponents' Head
And The Result Is A T.K.O (Technical Knock Out)!
The Head
Big Or Small
The Size Does Not Determine Success Or Failure
Many A Fool Accept Big Heads
Many A Leader Accept Small Heads
Many Success Belief Accept Small Heads
And Many Failures Accept Big Heads
Like The C.P.U Of A Computer
It's The Information Embedded In The Head
That Determines Its Potency And Success
Garbage In, Garbage Out
Not The Shape Nor The Size
It Is The Most Vital Part Of The Body
It Is The Servant To 5 Critical Parts -
The Brain - The Server Of The Body
The Eyes - The Light Of The Body
The Nose - The Inlets For Breadth And Smell
The Ears - The 'Antennae' For Receiving Signals
The Mouth - The Orifice For Our Daily Bread And Communication
Oh, What Can We Do Without The Head?
The Head
Another Synonym For 'First' 'Major' 'Principal' 'Numero Uno'
The Head Of A Family Is The Father
The Head Of A School Is The Principal
The Head Of A Company Is The Managing Director / C.E.O
The Head Of A Country Is The President
Oh, What Can We Do Without The Head?
Whether Of The Body, Place Or Country
Is The Most Sensitive, Responsible And Susceptible
Only Divine Protection Saves The Head
For To Kill The Head
Is To Destroy The Body, Place Or Country
Where The Head Suffers A Headache
Who Dares To Cut Off The Head?
When The Head Goes Gaga
Who Dares To Cut Off The Head?
For A Wise Man Catches A Fish By The Head
And Another Kills A Snake By Its Head
The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
Is An Eulogy To The Might Of The Head
As Against The Futility Of Brute Strength
Like The Futility Of A Goliath Against David
It Deserves Every Respect And Accolade
The Head Of A Kingdom Is The King
The Head Wears The Crown
And To Wear The Crown
The Head Must Stoop To Conquer
Herein Lies The Tale Of The Tail - Leadership Means Service
The Head
It Is The Opposite Of The Tail
Everybody Abhors The Tail Like A Curse
For Tail Is A Picture Of ''Bottom'' ''Lowest'' ''Rear Part''
But For The Head To Lead
It Must First Tail Along
To Tell The Head A Tale For Success
The Tail's Tale Must Be Hailed For True Leadership
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