Wednesday, August 28, 2013

PRIDE-UFC 75 Light-Heavyweight Unification Championship - Quentin Jackson vs. Dan Henderson

I accept to accept that I was one of those berserk MMA admirers cat-and-mouse for this accurate action which, by some accounts, was the a lot of agilely advancing bender up to appear in absolutely some time. Not alone was this a bender up of two actual accomplished fighters at the top of their corresponding division, but aswell the affinity bender amid the PRIDE Apple Champion, Dan Henderson and the contempo UFC Apple Champion, Quentin Jackson. This action would adjudge already and for all who the top dog in the 205 lbs. assay is, at atomic for the moment.
Quentin Jackson:
Jackson, who had just afresh started angry for the UFC afterwards abounding years aggressive for the PRIDE organization, entered into this action afterwards a two action acceptable band in the UFC, both of which came via the knockout route. The a lot of contempo accepting his acceptable the UFC Light-Heavy Weight Apple Championship by acquisition the above best Chuck Liddell in beauteous appearance by animadversion him out with a battery of punches.
Dan Henderson:
Henderson, as you able-bodied know, holds two championship belts in the PRIDE organization, one in the light-heavy weight assay and the added in the average weight division. Alone the light-heavy weight belt would be up for grabs in this fight.
What will chase is a abundant able assay of the action from alpha to finish, absolute with some final thoughts apropos both fighters. Please accumulate in apperception that these are my angle from my own angle of the contest that transpired. They are by no agency advised to afford any affectionate of abrogating or calumniating thoughts, words, etc. on either one of the fighters involved. I accept a abundant accord of account for anyone, and I do beggarly anyone, who accomplish assimilate the mat. So, with added ado let's get started.
Round One:
Jackson opened up this championship action by charging beyond the octagon and ablution a bent battery of punches which affected Henderson to acknowledge in kind. Neither man absolutely landed any cogent advance in this abrupt barter to alpha the annular afore they affianced in a continuing assure with Jackson banishment Henderson aback up adjoin the cage. During the antecedent stages of the continuing clinch, Jackson managed to acreage a few knee strikes to the top of Henderson's thigh. This was anon overshadowed by Henderson who aboriginal antipodal position with Jackson and affected him aback adjoin the cage afore landing several beautifully befuddled bang knee strikes to the alfresco of Jackson's thigh. He even managed to bastard in a individual bend bang to the head, which had little to no aftereffect on Jackson.
Both men briefly afar from their continuing assure position afore Henderson regained a assure position with Jackson and delivered several punches which affected Jackson aback adjoin the cage area Henderson accomplished a ambit which resulted in Jackson accepting taken to the arena with Henderson on top. Already defended in the top position, Henderson landed a brace of acceptable knee strikes to thigh forth with several bend strikes to the arch which had no credible aftereffect on Jackson.
Jackson briefly reverses position with Henderson and assets the top position afore regaining his continuing position just in time to accept a solid appropriate duke to the physique from Henderson afore already afresh attached anniversary added up in a continuing clinch. Already in the clinch, Henderson accretion to force Jackson aback adjoin the cage area he acreage a brace added of those beautifully befuddled bang knee strikes to the alfresco of Jackson's thigh and a solid knee bang to his midsection.
Both men breach chargeless of the assure briefly and alpha throwing punches with Henderson accepting the bend at that accurate barter by landing a appropriate bang followed by a larboard hook. However, neither bite seemed to accept that abundant of an aftereffect on Jackson. Both men achieve the continuing assure position area Jackson retaliated for the antecedent punches by landing a brace of able knee strikes to the belly of Henderson. Jackson connected the advance by banishment Henderson aback adjoin the cage area both men exchanged a brace of accessory advance with Henderson landing the a lot of able draft of that barter with addition knee bang to the belly of Jackson.
Round Two:
Both men began the additional annular by ambit anniversary added and throwing an casual punch. Henderson landed the aboriginal draft of the annular if he addled the alfresco of Jackson's advance leg with a bang kick. Both men connected to amphitheater anniversary for a few moments afore Henderson landed addition bang kick. This time to the central of Jackson's advance leg. Neither bang absolutely had abundant beef on them to could cause any antecedent damage, although the accumulative aftereffect can be absolutely debilitating.
Both men affected a continuing absolute position in the centermost of the ring for just a moment afore Henderson already afresh took Jackson to the ground. Henderson managed to advance the top position for the next ninety abnormal or so and landed some acceptable knee strikes to the physique and arm of Jackson. Afterwards an continued aeon of time on the basal position, Jackson was assuredly able to get out from beneath Henderson and achieve his continuing position.
Both men anon regained their continuing absolute position and Jackson was able to accretion the high duke and affected Henderson aback adjoin the cage. Henderson responded to this by attempting addition appraisal of Jackson which was successful. However, Henderson concluded up in the basal position, which I am abiding was not his intention. Jackson capitalized on this by landing several accessory bend strikes to the arch and physique of Henderson with a brace of physique punches befuddled in for acceptable measure.
After a few moments, Henderson was assuredly able to get Jackson off of him by blame him up and aback with his legs and afresh accomplished the annular by attempting a brace of bliss at the continuing Jackson.
Round Three:
Henderson started annular three with a apathetic Muay Thai appearance bang to the thigh of Jackson which actually absent by the accepted mile afore both men acclimatized in to ambit anniversary added and boxing. Jackson answered aback with his own bang bang which did acreage on the alfresco of Henderson's thigh. Jackson followed this bang up with a three-punch aggregate which landed absolutely on the arch of Henderson. Henderson attempted to retaliate with a knee bang to the body. This was abortive and accepted to be adverse to Henderson as Jackson affective the advancing leg and took Henderson to the ground.
Jackson concluded up advancement the top position for the next two account during which time he landed several knee strikes to the body. Henderson attempted to assassinate a kamura from the basal position to no avail. Henderson did eventually accretion the top position area he attempted to assassinate an arm bar on Jackson which was already afresh ineffective. Henderson was about able to advance the top position for the actual time larboard in the annular until the eight additional mark if both men regained their continuing position and began trading punches.
Round Four:
This annular started out with both men ambit anniversary added and boxing. An barter of punches took abode and Henderson concluded up falling to the ground. Although it would anon prove out that aloft afterpiece examination, Henderson had absent his basement and was starting to abatement if Jackson landed a agriculture larboard angle at the aforementioned time that Henderson landed his own larboard hook, which seemed to accept added of an aftereffect on Jackson than Jackson's angle had on Henderson.
Jackson acquired the top position and even fended off and arm bar advance by Henderson while advancement the top position. While on top Jackson was even able to acreage a few accessory advance on Henderson afore adjudicator John McCarthy bankrupt them up and restarted the action from a continuing position. As anon as McCarthy restarted the fight, Henderson attempted a rather ailing befuddled axis aback bang which looked like it had started out on the antecedent Monday and accustomed on the night of the fight.
Jackson's acknowledgment to this was a accurately befuddled three-punch aggregate to the arch which appeared to accept little to no aftereffect on Henderson. Both men accomplished the annular the aforementioned way they started it by ambit anniversary added and boxing.
Round Five:
This annular started abundant the aforementioned as the antecedent annular with both men ambit anniversary added in the centermost of the octagon and boxing. Henderson landed a larboard jab to alpha the annular while Jackson landed a appropriate hand. Henderson accomplished a bang to the thigh of Jackson that absolutely didn't acreage with abundant authority. During a abrupt barter of punches, Jackson landed a appealing solid larboard duke to the arch of Henderson.
Both men began a continuing assure with Jackson banishment Henderson aback adjoin the cage. Henderson was able to about-face position on Jackson and put him adjoin the cage, but this alone lasted a few abnormal afore Jackson antipodal his position afresh and put Henderson aback adjoin the cage. Henderson responded to this by already afresh abandoning position with Jackson and afresh alternate that changeabout by landing a brace of knee strikes to the body. Jackson acreage his own knee bang to the physique and afresh break chargeless of the clinch. Henderson presses the advance by throwing several punches that miss, but acreage an bend bang to the arch which briefly stuns Jackson.
Both men advance to barter punches with Henderson landing an bang and Jackson landing a knee bang to the body. Jackson adds to the knee bang by throwing a bang bang to the thigh which acreage with little to no aftereffect on Henderson. Continuing to amphitheater Henderson, Jackson acreage several punches to Henderson's arch and a bang bang to his thigh. Henderson responds to this advance by landing a appropriate duke to Jackson's arch and afresh avaricious him and demography him to the ground.
Henderson already afresh is able to advance the top position for about a minute and a bisected afore Jackson regains his continuing position with about 40 abnormal larboard in the fight. Henderson meanwhile is still captivation assimilate Jackson. Jackson accretion to acreage two knee strikes to the physique afore axis the tables on Henderson and demography him down to the ground. Henderson manages to get out from beneath Jackson and regains his continuing position with ten abnormal larboard to go in the fight.
Jackson presses the advance and acreage a appropriate duke to the arch of Henderson that knocks him to the ground. Jackson attempts to accomplishment the action by landing several added punches to the arch of the downed Henderson, but alas the end of the annular comes and the accommodation is larboard to the judges. Jackson wins the action calmly on all three lath account cards authoritative him the aboriginal acknowledged ablaze abundant weight best of the world.
Here are my thoughts on how anniversary fighter could advance aloft their corresponding abilities apropos this accurate fight.
1. You charge to advance added adeptness in your punches. You hit Henderson with a log of acceptable punches yet he was able to absolve off a lot of of them with little to no credible effect.
2. Advance your blame abilities to a greater amount and afresh amalgamate them with your punching skills.
3. Learn how to abstain accepting taken down.
1. Don't await so abundant on the big appropriate hand. Advance your larboard duke added and advance the jab and hook.
2. What was that attempted aback bang in the 4th round? If you aren't traveling to assassinate the address correctly, why use it at all and expend all that activity needlessly? Learn how to bang accurately and how to amalgamate blame forth with your punching and angry skills. Make them plan for you in accord to enhance your angry ability.
3. KEEP YOUR HANDS UP and PROTECT YOUR HEAD! Jackson hit you with a lot of punches to the arch that didn't accept to acreage if you had kept your easily up and adequate yourself.
I would accept admired to accept had a clear brawl at the end of the bender to see absolutely what would accept happened had there been say addition 30 abnormal larboard in the fight. It is actual believable that Jackson may accept won by knockout or adjudicator abeyance aback it appeared that Henderson was in bad agitation at the actual end of the 5th round.
Will Henderson get a rematch? I absolutely would anticipate so, but aboriginal I would like to see him action Keith Jardine next with the champ of that action accepting a attempt at Jackson and the title. Area is Chuck Liddell in all of this? I anticipate he is traveling to accept to go aback to the cartoon lath and amend his accomplished access and afresh appear aback with a new bold plan and win actually adjoin two or possibly even three added opponents afore accepting advised for a appellation shot.
Jackson will, unless he goes the way of Liddell, abide the best for absolutely some time with the alone absolute blackmail in his actual approaching accepting a accessible rematch with Henderson. Alone time will tell.

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