Monday, August 12, 2013

Haunted Lighthouses - Owls Head Light, Owls Head, Maine

The booming adhesive barter of the 1820's on Maine's midcoast led to the architecture of a alarm on Owls Head, an breadth amid at the access to Rockland Harbor, Maine. In 1825, President John Quincy Adams accustomed the architecture of a alarm on a bank south of Rockland Harbor in Penobscot Bay.
The almost short, brick alarm - alone 30 anxiety alpine - is anchored on a acropolis about 100 anxiety aloft the water.
A alpine alarm was accidental because of the acme of the promontory. The present brick belfry was complete in 1852 and adapted with a fourth-order fresnel lens. The belfry charcoal almost banausic from the time if it was aboriginal built. Besides it's almighty abbreviate height, the alarm aswell has a continued alternation of board accomplish arch up to the ablaze from the keeper's house, which is a affection different to this house.
The aboriginal lamps and reflectors were replaced by a fourth-order Fresnel lens in 1856, and the lens charcoal in use today. The alarm was absolutely automatic in 1989 and continues to flash it's that can be apparent up to 16 abyssal afar abroad to this day. Because the alarm is amid in a arena that is decidedly decumbent to fog, the ablaze is able with a able fog signal.
The agent of the name "Owl's head" is somewhat of a mystery. Some accept appropriate that the bank breadth the alarm sits looks like an owl from the water. Others say Owl's Arch is the English adaptation of the Indian name for the location, Medadacut.
Owl's Arch Ablaze is accepted for abounding tales that accept been anesthetized down through the years. One of the a lot of memorable tales is that of the arctic lovers. The breadth was hit by a massive storm on December 22, 1850 which acquired 5 argosy to go aground. One of those, a baby schooner, whose captain had gone ashore, was forward out to sea afterwards the cables attached it to the berth bankrupt loose. The aboriginal mate, his fiance and and a seaman were larboard onboard to ataxia calm on the accouter and about froze in the surf. The seaman was able to escape at one point and fabricated it to shore, beat and about frozen. Fortunately, he accomplished the alley the alley to the alarm breadth he was rescued by the keeper. Barely able to speak, he alerted the babysitter about the others still on the schooner and a accomplishment affair was angled up.
The accomplishment affair begin what was larboard of the schooner and begin the adolescent brace arctic in a block of ice. The brace appeared to be dead, but the men brought the block to the kitchen of the keeper's house. They chipped the ice away, and slowly, if not miraculously, the brace began to appearance signs of life. The adolescent brace anon recovered, eventually affiliated and had four children. Unfortunately, the seaman who perpetuated their accomplishment never recovered.
A additional account is that of a keeper's dog who lived in the alarm in the 1930's. The dog, called Spot, was accomplished to cull on the fog bell's braiding if he heard a baiter approaching. In one incident, the braiding was alive in the snow and Spot was clumsy to ring the bell. Instead, he barked continuously until he heard the abutting boat's blare above the rocks. Spot's loud barking has been accustomed with admonishing the captain just in time to beacon the baiter and abstain the rocks. Spot was accepted as somewhat of a bounded hero and celebrity and is said to be alive on the ancillary of the acropolis abreast the above breadth of the fog bell.
Oddly enough, the hauntings of Owl's arch Ablaze don't arise to be affiliated to either of these tales. The keeper's abode is said to be apparitional by an "old sea captain" - who is a lot of acceptable a above keeper, although no one is sure. According to bounded legend, one night the three-year-old babe of a babysitter woke her parents and announced, "Fog's rolling in! Time to put the foghorn on!". The parents had never brought up that accountable with their babe and had no clue breadth she would accept best up the lingo. They anon apparent that she allegedly had an abstract acquaintance who resembled an old sea captain. He has been apparent by added above keepers and brand to leave his aisle in the snow alfresco the alarm and brightness the brass. He aswell may be amenable for blurred the thermostat and befitting the abode chilly, conceivably in an accomplishment to conserve energy.
The additional bogey in the alarm is accepted as the "Little Lady". The adult spirit is frequently apparent in the kitchen. She seems to like to bang doors shut accidentally and bang the silverware. Everyone who has encountered her has declared that her attendance brought about a activity of peace. A lot of accede that she is apparently a wife of one of the abounding above keepers of the ablaze who admired the abode so abundant she absitively never to leave.
Owls Arch Ablaze is amid on an alive Coast Guard facility. The keeper's abode is still acclimated as a abode for Coast Guard cadre and the surrounding area are now accepted as Owl's Arch State Park. The aboriginal alarm belfry is now gone, but an 1895 oil abode is still standing.

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